YouTuber Jaclyn Hill returns to YouTube and announces she's 'working on new products' following disastrous launch of her cosmetics line - INSIDER

YouTuber Jaclyn Hill returns to YouTube and announces she's 'working on new products' following disastrous launch of her cosmetics line - INSIDER - Hello friends Beauty tools and beauty tips, In the article that you are reading this time with the title YouTuber Jaclyn Hill returns to YouTube and announces she's 'working on new products' following disastrous launch of her cosmetics line - INSIDER, we have prepared this article well for you to read and take the information in it. hopefully the contents of the post what we write you can understand. all right, have a nice reading.

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YouTuber Jaclyn Hill returns to YouTube and announces she's 'working on new products' following disastrous launch of her cosmetics line - INSIDER

YouTuber Jaclyn Hill returns to YouTube and announces she's 'working on new products' following disastrous launch of her cosmetics line - INSIDER

Posted: 24 Jul 2019 12:00 AM PDT

After shockingly deleting her Instagram and Twitter accounts in late June, popular makeup vlogger Jaclyn Hill has returned to YouTube.

On Tuesday, the beauty mogul released a 20-minute-long video titled " Where I've Been" to open up about her social media purge following the disastrous launch of her brand Jaclyn Cosmetics. Hill also said she has no plans to "address the rumors" about her company, but added that she is "working on new products."

People on Twitter, however, are not impressed by Hill's social media comeback, and are now criticizing the YouTuber for providing "no answers" in her video.

At the start of her new YouTube video, Hill said she felt "very uncomfortable" and might be making "the biggest mistake" of her "entire career" by addressing her followers.

"I don't know how to do an intro today," Hill said in her YouTube video. "I feel very uncomfortable right now, and don't even want to be filming this because I don't want to talk about my feelings, and what's been going on, and all that. I'm just terrified."

"I just want to start off by saying this video might be the biggest mistake of my entire career, but that's okay," she continued. "As Kurt Cobain said, 'I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.' It's so silly, but I live by that quote. I think it's very powerful."

According to the YouTuber, many advised her to "let everything blow over" after the disastrous launch of her lipstick brand. Still, Hill said she's "totally not listening to any of those people."

"I just keep thinking, like, I built my entire career on my relationship with you guys, and that relationship is so important to me," she continued.

"The number one thing that I want to make sure that I say to you guys that has been on my mind every single day — the strongest, most important message — is just the biggest thank you to everybody who has reached out."

The YouTuber continued to thank those who sent messages to her mom, sister, and boyfriend, as well as the influencers who spoke to her behind the scenes.

Hill said she wanted to be careful not to 'pull the beauty YouTuber card' in her latest video

During her video, Hill said she didn't want to "sit on the floor with a hoodie and no makeup" while "crying," as she did in her previous YouTube videos regarding her beauty brand.

"I'm just terrified of seeming like a victim," Hill said in her recent video. "I'm terrified of saying the wrong things, of people just picking this video apart — because I know it's what's gonna happen, and I know that it comes with the territory, of course. Like I get all of that — but I'm just still really, really scared."

According to Hill, she filmed her latest video so that she can 'just get back' to creating makeup tutorials

"The purpose of today's video is just to get on here and try to get myself back into a mental headspace where I can just get back to doing what I love — which is makeup tutorials, like that's that's my real passion," she said.

Hill then discussed her past job working for MAC Cosmetics, which she said inspired her to create her own brand.

"I've wanted to create and own my own cosmetic brand since I worked at Mac Cosmetics at Woodfield Mall in Chicago when I was 20 years old, which was nine years ago, and that's always been my dream," Hill said.

"That's why this whole thing has been so hard for me, because I completely failed," she continued. "I'm still just like choked on those words, like, 'My launch was a failure. It failed.'"

A lipstick from Jaclyn Cosmetics.
Jaclyn Cosmetics

Though the YouTuber admitted she she 'was almost cocky' about the quality of her products, she said she won't be addressing any rumors

Hill said she originally promised that her brand would be "the best thing that people have ever seen," and that her lipsticks would be "the best" in the beauty industry.

"I was working with the best lab, with the best people, I had spent all this money, I was just like, 'This is amazing,'" Hill said. "I was so confident to the point of cockiness."

But despite her initial confidence, rumors circulated around Hill's brand immediately after it launched. Many said they received broken lipsticks from Jaclyn Cosmetics, and others said the products caused swelling and bumps on their lips. Most recently, some said they believe Hill's brand is connected to Morphe, a larger beauty brand.

In her recent video, however, Hill said she wouldn't be addressing any rumors.

"There's so many rumors out there, which honestly guys, I'm not going to address them," Hill said. "Like I'm not here for that, because if I start to address the rumors, I would be making a video that's two hours long. I'm not gonna do that. I know that so many people have speculations."

Hill said she deleted her social media accounts because she wanted to focus on hiring a new 'quality control' team for her brand

In late June, Hill shocked her followers by deleting her Twitter and Instagram pages without any warning. At the time of this post, Hill's Twitter account is still deactivated, though her Instagram page is back up.

"It's not because I was embarrassed," Hill said in regards to deleting her social media pages.

Instead, Hill said she deleted her accounts to help herself focus on building a new "quality control team," which can help her launch new makeup in the future.

"People think that I left social media because I was running away and I was hiding, and I get it," she said. "I completely understand. That's exactly what it looks like — that's what I would think too."

"But the reason I had to get away from social media and just fully delete it is because at that point, I had refunded everybody every single penny they had spent. I was humiliated, I was embarrassed, and it was time for me to start picking things up, putting the pieces back together, and rebuild."

Jaclyn Hill.
Desiree Navarro/Getty Images

At the end of her video, Hill apologized to her fans, confirmed her customers were refunded, and said she's working on creating new beauty products

While apologizing to her fans and customers, Hill said she "trusted the wrong people" while launching her brand, and "did a lot of things" that she "should not have done."

"It's so important to me that you guys know how sorry I am, and how embarrassed I am," Hill said. "This has just been shocking. I messed up in more than one way. I was way too overconfident in my launch, and I was not involved enough in quality control, and I overhyped it for you guys."

Hill also said that seeing her fans' posts online about the quality of her products inspired her to refund every single one of her customers.

"I just feel terrible for anybody who received a lipstick that wasn't perfect," Hill said. 'That's why I gave every single person a refund."

"People were so sweet not wanting to accept the refund, and giving their refunds to charities, and just doing such kind things," she continued. 'It was it was so sweet, but I just honestly I could not sleep at night."

Still, Hill has confidence in the future of her brand, and said she's had "several meetings" with her team to create new beauty products at "new labs."

"A launch that I have down the road is with a completely different lab than the one that I launched my lipsticks with," Hill said. "So we have not had to cancel that."

Many Twitter users are still seemingly unimpressed with Hill

After Hill released her YouTube video, many said they were frustrated with the YouTuber for failing to provide answers about her brand.

Others, however, defended the YouTuber, and argued that she's learned from her mistakes.

As recently as last week, more than 85 Twitter users said in a poll that they had yet to receive a refund from Jaclyn Cosmetics

On July 14, a Twitter user named Brit Clarke asked her followers if they'd received a refund from Jaclyn Cosmetics. She also included a poll where people could vote either "Yes I have" or "NOPEEEE!"

"Just out of curiosity, has everyone received their refunds from Jaclyn Cosmetics' initial launch?" Clarke wrote.

Read more: People say they still haven't received refunds from Jaclyn Hill's lipstick brand nearly one month after the YouTuber promised to give customers their money back

The following day, Clarke followed up on her poll, saying that out of 123 votes, 71% of people said they did not receive a refund.

Speaking to INSIDER, Clarke said the results of her poll were "insanely disappointing."

"Out of 123 people that voted in my poll tweet, 71% have yet to receive their refunds," Clarke told INSIDER. "And the brand and owner have since ghosted the internet after announcing that all of their customers will be refunded without question three weeks ago."

"I can only imagine the percentage if thousands had replied," she said. "I will never support this brand again after seeing such disregard for their consumers and poor customer service."

Representatives for Jaclyn Cosmetics declined to comment.

Commentary: 'You look weird.' What's behind South Korean men's growing love affair with make-up - CNA

Posted: 08 Aug 2019 12:00 AM PDT

SEOUL: On his popular YouTube channel, Kim Ki-soo recently tackled a somewhat uncomfortable question from a viewer: 

Why do you wear make-up? It's dirty.

Kim responded with the calm composure of someone who had clearly had to answer that question before.
"If you think wearing makeup is dirty, please think that over again," he said with restrained politeness. 

Try to appreciate how much I love beauty.

Kim went on to explain that he has a passion for beauty, and that he makes his videos not to inform or teach his viewers, but to share that passion and engage in dialogue with them.

Kim ki soo
Make up artist Kim Ki-Soo (Photo: Instagram/@djkisoo)

As a man in his mid-40s, Kim is not your typical makeup YouTuber. He's a former comedian building a second career sharing beauty tips from a man's perspective.

One of his recent videos feature recommendations of colours of lipsticks. In another, he tests out various kinds of foundation. 


On YouTube, Kim doesn't stick out nearly as much as we would in a traditional medium, like television. 

Topics and personalities that don't fit mainstream media can find audiences on their own. South Korean YouTube is a fascinating glimpse into how a particular society is evolving.

In an ecosystem with no gatekeepers, Kim can find a niche with his unique approach. 

The fact is, as a South Korean, Kim lives in a society where appearance counts for a lot. 

South Korea is by no means unique as a society with those characteristics, but South Koreans seem especially motivated to keep up with conventions of good appearances, with this country having one of the world's highest rates of cosmetic surgery. 

cosmetic surgery
File photo of a South Korean woman walking past a street billboard advertising double-jaw surgery at a subway station in Seoul. (Photo: AFP PHOTO/JUNG YEON-JE)

READ: 'Are you sick?' Why more South Korean women are doing away with cosmetics, a commentary

While use of cosmetics by South Korean men is growing, it has not yet reached a tipping point where television shows can comfortably include discussion of the controversial topics of male beauty that Kim tackles.

Conservative norms still hold sway when it comes to appearances but there are signs change is in the air. While the South Korean cosmetics industry is dominated by products aimed at women, more men are, for various reasons, choosing to use make-up. 

Korean pop culture also offers up many examples of entertainers who wear make-up, with young celebrities presenting an almost androgonous image as an acceptable form of expression and an on-trend style worthy of emulation. 

BTS third film opens Aug 2019
A shot of the famous K-pop group BTS. (Photo: Instagram/BTS)

A recent CNA feature painted a picture of cosmetics use by South Korean men as motivated less by conventional notions of beauty and more out of a desire to put a fresh, healthy looking face forward.

According to the report, South Korean men spend more than men in any other country on grooming products. Three-quarters of South Korean men have beauty treatments on at least a weekly basis.
This generation of young Korean guys are more conscious about their wellness, and are less likely than their forebears to smoke cigarettes, drink excessively, or spend all night at the office. Showing up for work looking like you were up all night, either at a bar or at your desk, is increasingly frowned upon.

There is variation when it comes to the products that men use, with most applying only basic items, like toner, and others using products to darken their eyebrows and moisten their lips, rather than the full-on make-up with eye shadow, blush and lipstick that Kim uses.
For middle-aged guys fighting off the signs of ageing, using cosmetics to retain a youthful appearance can be one way of staying relevant in your workplace. 

Despite a traditional norm of deference to elders, the fact is youth is highly valued in South Korea. Most people hate getting typecast as the stereotypical cranky old guy in the office and getting mocked for it.

More practically, most companies - in both white and blue-collar sectors - retire workers around 60 with severance packages but without a lifelong pension. 
With one of the world's longest life expectancies, many South Koreans have to reinvent themselves, keep employed and find new ways to keep earning into their silver years. To do so, they've got to keep up a sense of self-confidence to earn support and recognition from their colleagues.
One cosmetic surgery clinic markets to middle-aged men with messages including, "In the era where men have to compete in matters of appearance, don't neglect to improve yourself". 

The website also features testimonials from men who say they regained their confidence in middle age after making their appearance a bigger priority. 

READ: Pretty boys - Men's make-up market starts drawing big brands in Asia

Confidence is a key concept. People who have plastic surgery often explain being motivated by a desire to more confidently carry themselves, to interact with others from a position of strength. 

After having surgery, or applying makeup, they worry less about something that they found embarrassing. 

South Korean men makeup
Eyebrow and lip makeup are becoming increasingly common among men in South Korea. (Photo: Lim Yun Suk)

Still, anecdotal experience tells me it is mostly young men who decide to have plastic surgery. In this context, make-up remains an appealing broad alternative for men who would rather avoid the expense and risk of surgery.

Men who have taken measures to appear more youthful say they interact more confidently with younger colleagues.


Indeed, it takes confidence to deal with critics who, like the questioner in Kim's video, will imply that a man wearing makeup is somehow weird, or deserving of mockery.

In a country where women feel increasingly pressured to wear cosmetics, and societal norms on what construes acceptable appearances weigh heavily on most, Kim has set a good example by reacting calmly and asking for understanding.

Perhaps in time, Kim will get fewer questions like these, less judgment and greater understanding of how he's chosen to express his individuality – by wearing it on his face.

Steven Borowiec is the politics editor of Korea Expose.

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